Type Alias StrictCIDR

StrictCIDR: "strict"

The strict CIDR validation mode checks whether the input string is a genuinely valid CIDR, ruling out unmatching prefixes. For example, the (potential) CIDR is inaccurate in that the prefix should instead be for the bit length of 24.

Without the validation mode on, IPUtil.isIP('', true) still returns true. But with it on, the relevant method will return a corrected CIDR as a string instead of a boolean if the input string is potentially valid as a CIDR but is inaccurate:

// allowCidr: false or undefined
console.log(IPUtil.isIP('')); // true
console.log(IPUtil.isIP('')); // false
// allowCidr: true
console.log(IPUtil.isIP('', true)); // true
console.log(IPUtil.isIP('', true)); // true
console.log(IPUtil.isIP('', true)); // true
// allowCidr: 'strict'
console.log(IPUtil.isIP('', 'strict')); // true (just as when allowCidr is true)
console.log(IPUtil.isIP('', 'strict')); //
console.log(IPUtil.isIP('', 'strict')); // true