Class IP

The IP class. Unlike the static IPUtil class, this class provides several instance methods that can be used to perform validations on the same IP or CIDR address multiple times.

To initialize a new instance, use IP.newFromText (or IP.newFromRange):

const ip = IP.newFromText('fd12:3456:789a:1::1');
if (!ip) {
console.log(ip.stringify()); // fd12:3456:789a:1:0:0:0:1


  • IPBase
    • IP


  • Private

    Private constructor. Use IP.newFromText instead.


    • range: RangeObject

      An object that stores CIDR information.

    Returns IP


  • get version(): 4 | 6
  • Return the IP version as a number.

    Returns 4 | 6


  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with this instance contains that associated with ipStr.


    • ipStr: string | IP

    Returns null | boolean

    null if ipStr does not represent an IP address.

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with this instance contains all IP addresses in the ipArr array.


    • ipArr: (string | IP)[]

      An array of IP- or CIDR-representing strings or IP instances.

    Returns null | boolean

    null if ipArr is not an array or an empty array.

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with this instance contains any IP address in the ipArr array.


    • ipArr: (string | IP)[]

      An array of IP- or CIDR-representing strings or IP instances.

    Returns number

    The index number of the first match in the ipArr array, or -1 otherwise.

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with this intance equals that associated with ipStr.


    • ipStr: string | IP

      An IP- or CIDR-representing string, or an IP instance.

    Returns null | boolean

    null if ipStr does not represent an IP address.

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with this intance equals all IP addresses in the ipArr array.


    • ipArr: (string | IP)[]

      An array of IP- or CIDR-representing strings or IP instances.

    Returns null | boolean

    null if ipArr is not an array or an empty array.

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with this intance equals any IP address in the ipArr array.


    • ipArr: (string | IP)[]

      An array of IP- or CIDR-representing strings or IP instances.

    Returns number

    The index number of the first match in the ranges array, or -1 otherwise.

  • Get the bit length of the IP instance.

    Note that this always returns a number between 0-32 for IPv4 and 0-128 for IPv6. To evaluate whether the instance is a CIDR, use IP.isCIDR.

    Returns number

  • Get range information of the IP instance. The return value includes:

    • The (forced) CIDR notation of the IP address associated with the instance.
    • The bit length of the CIDR as a number.
    • The starting IP address of the CIDR as a string.
    • The ending IP address of the CIDR as a string.


    Returns {
        bitLen: number;
        cidr: string;
        first: string;
        last: string;

    • bitLen: number
    • cidr: string
    • first: string
    • last: string
  • Get range information of the IP instance. The return value includes:

    • The (forced) CIDR notation of the IP address associated with the instance.
    • The bit length of the CIDR as a number.
    • The starting IP address of the CIDR as an IP object.
    • The ending IP address of the CIDR as an IP object.


    Returns {
        bitLen: number;
        cidr: string;
        first: IP;
        last: IP;

    • bitLen: number
    • cidr: string
    • first: IP
    • last: IP
  • Get the IP version as a string in the format of IPvN.

    Returns string

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with the instance is a CIDR address.

    Returns boolean

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with the instance is an IPv4 address.


    • OptionalallowCidr: boolean = false

      Whether to allow a CIDR address, which defaults to false.

    Returns boolean

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with the instance is an IPv4 CIDR address.

    Returns boolean

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with the instance is an IPv6 address.


    • OptionalallowCidr: boolean = false

      Whether to allow a CIDR address, which defaults to false.

    Returns boolean

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with the instance is an IPv6 CIDR address.

    Returns boolean

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with this instance is within all IP ranges in the cidrArr array.


    • cidrArr: (string | IP)[]

      An array of IP- or CIDR-representing strings or IP instances.

    Returns null | boolean

    null if cidrArr is not an array or an empty array.

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with this instance is within any IP range in the cidrArr array.


    • cidrArr: (string | IP)[]

      An array of IP- or CIDR-representing strings or IP instances.

    Returns number

    The index number of the first match in the cidrArr array, or -1 otherwise.

  • Evaluate whether the IP address associated with this instance is within that associated with cidrStr.


    • cidrStr: string | IP

    Returns null | boolean

    null if cidrStr does not represent an IP address.

  • Stringify the IP instance.


    • Optionaloptions: StringifyOptions = {}

      Options to specify the format of the output. If not provided, the "sanitized" format will be used.

    Returns string

    Note that even if the instance was initialized from an inaccurate CIDR string, the output will be in a "corrected" format:

    const ip = IP.newFromText('fd12:3456:789a:1::1/64');
    ip.stringify(); // fd12:3456:789a:1:0:0:0:0/64
  • Same as IP.stringify when it's called without options.

    Returns string

  • Protected

    Check the equality of two IP addresses.


    • ipObj: RangeObject

      An object of arrays of the IP parts in decimals.

    • ipStr: string | IP

      An IP- or CIDR-representing string, or an IP instance.

    Returns null | boolean

    null if ipStr does not represent an IP address.

  • Return a trimmed string from which all occurrences of unicode bidi characters are removed.

    "Unicode bidi characters" are special characters shown as red dots in WikiEditor, which can slip into cut-and-pasted strings. When we evaluate whether a string represents an IP address, these can cause serious trouble.


    • str: string

    Returns string

    MediaWikiTitleCodec::splitTitleString in MediaWiki core

  • Protected

    Compare two ranges to check their inclusion relationship.


    • ip1: RangeObject

      An object of arrays of the IP parts in decimals.

    • ip2: string | IP
    • comparator: "<" | ">"

      Which of ip1 and ip2 is expected to be broader.

    Returns null | boolean

    null if ip2 does not represent an IP address.

  • Protected

    Given an IP string or instance, parse it into an object of arrays of decimals that represent the parts of the first and last IPs.


    • ip: string | IP

    Returns null | RangeObject

    null if the input string does not represent an IP address.

  • Protected

    Change the casing of a string.


    • str: string
    • Optionalupper: boolean = false

      Whether to capitalize the output, which defaults to false.

    Returns string

    The original string if upper isn't true.

  • Initialize an IP instance from a string and a range (aka bit length).


    • ipStr: string

      An IP- or CIDR-representing string. If a CIDR string is passed, the /XX part will be overriden by range.

    • range: number

      0-32 for IPv4, 0-128 for IPv6.

    Returns null | IP

    null if:

    • The input string does not represent an IP address.
    • The bit length specified by range is invalid.

    If range is not a number.

  • Initialize an IP instance from a string.


    • ipStr: string

      An IP- or CIDR-representing string.

    Returns null | IP

    null if the input string does not represent an IP address.

  • Protected

    Parse a string that potentially represents an IP or CIDR address.


    • ipStr: string
    • OptionalbitLen: number

      An optional bit length of the IP address.

    Returns null | Parsed

    A parsed object, or null if:

    • ipStr is not a string.
    • ipStr does not represent an IP address.
    • ipStr contains an invalid bit length for a CIDR.
  • Protected

    Parse an IP string into an array and convert back into a string.


    Returns null | string

    null if:

    • The input string does not represent an IP address.
    • The parsed IP address does not meet the conditions specified by conditionPredicate
  • Protected

    Get the start and end IP addresses for the range of bitLen as an object of arrays of decimals.


    • parts: number[]
    • bitLen: null | number

    Returns RangeObject

  • Protected

    Stringify an array of IP parts in decimals.


    Returns string